Verknipt 6EJOU All Day Long

On September 28th no other than 6EJOU will be playing a live set for 10 HOURS LONG, which is going to be his longest live set yet! This will be the performance of a lifetime. You don’t want to miss out.

Verknipt All Day Long

On September 21, we will return to Hemkade, for another edition of Verknipt All Day Long! We can’t wait to share our love for hard music with our DIE HARD fans again! Are you ready to rave ALL DAY LONG?

Verknipt AZYR All Night Long

OH YES! The Verknipt all-nighter we have all been waiting for. Join our 7 hours All Night Long HARD TECHNO experience with the one and only AZYR!

Verknipt Fantasm All Night Long

Wonderboy Fantasm is known for his insanely hard beats and his mind-blowing energy and that’s exactly what you can expect from him at his first all night long in the Netherlands! Fasten your seatbelts because this promises to be a wild ride.

Vroeg pieken

At Vroeg Pieken, you get to enjoy your favorite hits nice and early. Together with our DJs, you decide which songs will be played. From disco to pop, from funk to hip-hop. From any year. As long as it’s danceable! Send in your favorite hit up to 10 days before the event via Requests […]


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